Friday, June 10, 2005

LOTD - Friday

Dance Dance Immolation! - New dance game for the Burning man
Scrolling belt buckle - Um... what's my name... wait for it....
Magic 8 Ball barbell - For those with those stupid tongue rings
The Simpson's movie news - Eat my shorts man
A 17 million-to-1 shot
Spray-On Mud - Because people will buy dirty water from you....
Hellraiser case mod - For those who have too much time on their hands...
Ebay sale of the day - For the geek in all of us...
Nasa Space probe to slam into comet July 4 - Look for fireworks!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Man crosses border with bloddy chain saw and is let through - WTF? You're telling me that I can carry weapons like that accross a border and not be held? What do you mean you don't have a crime lab... it's fucking blood! Maybe I watch too much CSI...
Man's remains go missing in the mail - In a related Canadian story...
Impressive, most impressive - But you are not a jedi yet.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Grats to my wife

My wife had to do a massage on the dean of students for the school that she used to attend last night. You see there was a mixup when was attending and she didn't know that she was supposed to go to a class that she had scheduled for her... so they dropped her from the program. Two years later she's picking it back up... well last night's massage went so well that she's been accepted back into the program so that she can graduate properly.

"Free" massages anyone? If so, let me know I'll hook you up.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Please don't leave me near your PC for very long

I'm in charge of 5 IDS machines here.... two of them have problems...
One got fixed today... it was fan... the other one... won't tell me what's wrong... and the IBM guy didn't know either... IBM phone support was also less than helpful...
Tuesday of last week the video card stopped displaying on the secondary display....
Today My PC has HD errors on it... looks like at least two bad sectors
My scroll lock button broke...

It's not a good week already....

Update on car situation

So my dear reader(s)… and update on the whole car situation….

Thursday when I called the police they did the usual dusting and such… which will turn up my prints or my wife’s…. or….. a recently paroled inmate that borrowed our car a few months ago. Since I don’t wash the car enough it will be hard to get a print that we can’t say wasn’t there before.

In March… we, okay when I say “we” I mean my wife because I was opposed to the whole thing from the start, loaned our car to a co-worker of my wife’s, let’s call her Amy. You see I never met Amy except once before and that was when my wife loaned her the car the first time. You see the first time it was only for the day and she gave it back… no big deal… she even crashed on our couch for a night. So anyway… I find out later that Amy is dating this guy who just got out of jail for using Meth. So I was supper paranoid about the car and such… Her friend didn’t return the car that night… we assumed it was stolen… we got a call the next day and she returned it to us.

Fast forward to last Thursday… cop tells me that there’s a flag on the car… He brings me over to the computer and asks who Amy was and her boyfriend and some other woman I’ve never heard of… turns out that night that she borrowed the car and didn’t return it, she was found in a Target Parking lot hanging out and a police officer interviewed them. Then he flagged the car as having occupants who where known meth users. Now I don’t know if they got caught or what… but WTF? Amy never told us about that…

Friday… get word from my wife’s work that there was a break in the night before and that the locks have been changed. You see Amy got fired from that place a few days before… right around Tuesday… someone used a key and opened up the place… took all the money from the register and took all the money that was there from 3 days worth of night deposits that hadn’t gone to the bank yet.

Strange how our car, which was borrowed by Amy… and the store which just fired Amy was broken into on the same day… very odd in deed.

Now it could have been the owner’s nephew… he’s been known to steal from the store before but it’s never been fully proven. One worker even told the owner and she got fired shortly there after… Sunday when the police called Amy into work to interview her, the nephew wouldn’t even look Amy in eye or at her at all…

So there are two suspects in my book. Now I’m not sure Amy would do such a thing… but her boyfriend is very capable of doing so… well… okay so anyone is capable of doing such things… I’m just not sure Amy would do it… either case… it’s very odd to me that these things happened in the same day.