The Tater Postings
It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing
Friday, March 04, 2005
Crop dusting
Why is it that when you are sitting alone... in a cube... all by yourself and no one bothers you for hours... but as SOON as you fart. People suddenly show up in your cube behind you?
Let that be a lesson to those that come see me, don't come into the cube unless you are prepared for the gas attack.
Links of the day 3/4/05
Finding the A-team - Pretty funny craig's list posting
Museum of bad album covers - Damn some are really bad...
Measure fails when no one votes on tax - If a vote happens in the woods...?
Theif gets beat up by an 11 year old - This is why you don't mess with a karate man
Teens leaping for thrills in 'Garage Jumping' trend - And suing when they miss... here's a thought... don't let your kid do it.
Ivisiblity shield planned by engineers - Didn't I see that on Harry Potter?
You tax dollars at work - Dirty Hoe
Enjoying a cold brew
Right to name new monkey sells for $650G - Hehe... TITI monkeys...
Body parts for rent - Stupid trend of people renting body space for ads
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Links of the day 3/3/05
Couch Potato Tormentor - hehe... need to get me one of those.
Iranian woman in smelly husband divorce bid - Damn... a year?!?
"Bubba" the Extra Large Lobster Dies - See! Now no one gets him. After 100 years I think it was his time to go
Ebay: White blood shot eye ball shift knob - Interesting...
ebay: My problems, worries & Troubles - So is it for his car or his troubles?
Ebay:Tawny Peaks breasts autographed - nice tits
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Hitchhicker's guide to the Galaxy
Trailer fo the movie - Is it sad that I'm looking forward to this more than star wars?
Bikini wax - Wait, there was a dude in there...
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Links of day for March 1, and something odd
Was surfing the web when I came across an add for some sort of abs product. However the picture looked like a man wearing a sarong and bikini bottom... just disturbed me.
Wallace and Gromit - About Time!
The Shoveglove - interesting... I'd break something...
Ebay:Alien scrap metal - Too much time on his hands
Diesel sweeties
New City of Heroes Comic book - Hopefully it will not suck like the current one does. Oh who am I's going to suck
Win a psp - Long shot I know... but it's worth a shot.
Monday, February 28, 2005
Ironic, don't you think
Went to lunch today at no-anchovies. Saw this:

Ironic, don't you think? I know, the pic sucks... camera has pocket lint on the lense.
The other thing is that I'm not sure what the button does because there are only stairs to get into the building to oder food. Maybe it rings a bell or something but it just looked odd with the step there.
Oscar Night
Okay, I didn’t watch the Oscars last night. It’s just not my thing to sit and watch an award show. It’s easier to look it up the next day to see who won what. I see that Jamie Foxx got the best actor award. Good for him, I saw Ray it was damn good. I’m also glad that Aviator didn’t get all the awards it was up for. I hate Leo… But best picture went to Million Dollar Baby. Now I’ve not seen this film but that sort of seems like a shocker to me. I thought Ray and Aviator were the top contenders but I guess the real contender won. Spider-man 2 won for visual effects?!? I thought the special effects in that movie were rather dull and stupid looking. I would much rather see a special effect and actually believe it rather than automatically knowing that it was fake. They farm out that shit so badly now so that they can quickly make a film that unless it’s done by ILM you know that it’s going to be shit.
I saw you today
I saw you today eyeing a married woman. Do you really think that if you keep putting chocolate on her desk that she will get fat and her husband will leave her? Do you think that she won’t go back home to the mother land if he does? Going to work out with her doesn’t get you into her pants you know. Did you know it creeps women out when you keep buying them shots and trying to get them so drunk that they can’t drive home? You’re creepy and disgusting and you even creep guys out. Oh and the crotch rocket doesn’t turn anyone on, despite someone telling you that back in the 80’s.
Links of the dayIpod chicken dance
Ebay: Xeon 2 megablast - Holy shit an Amiga game went for $651
How to fail at rally school - I want one
Donald Duck ride - Doesn't he know that 6 will get him 20?
The Razzies - For those who are not into the oscars. Way to go catwoman
World anti-smoking pact in force - Hehe, go ahead ass breath
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Links of the day
Follow up - Kraft cans 'Road Kill' candy - What's not right about it?
Fox trot - A cure is found.
Ebay: Amusing carrot - When is a carrot more phallic than the rest?
Battlestar Galactica - Woot for download even. I wonder if they will do more.
Tiger Carp - Woah, that's cool
Boring movies
DiCaprio a fan site has-been? - Who would have thunk that Leo DeCrapRio is not appealing
A see-through toaster - About time!