Friday, April 08, 2005

Is there anyone out there?

Just wondering who all is out there... no one? Just wanted to see who's actually reading this sound and fury...
In the vein of those e-mails I sometimes get:

1) Your nickname
2) How you got here
3) If you had one super power, what would it be?
4) Why?
5) Would you use it for good or evil?
6) What part of this blog do you hate?
7) What part of this blog do you want to see more of?
8) Do you have blog of your own?
9) What's the URL of your blog? If you don't have one, what's the url to your favorite blog?
10) If you could pick one card from a standard deck of cards, what would you pick?
11) Is this your card?
12) How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
13) What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
14) Heard any good CDs lately, if so who?
15) What is your favorite dinner entre?
16) If you were stuck on an island by yourself, what one item would like to have with you? (note I said by yourself... so no people)
17) Have you ever been lost?
18) What is the single best piece of advice you have been given?
19) Do you tell you kids that Santa is real? If yes, then what happens when they find out that you have lied to them? If no, how do you tell them not to tell other kids, without telling them that their parents are lying to them?
20) If you could have a long converstation with someone who is dead, who would it be and why?

There you go... standard 20 question format. Enjoy. (as the sound of crickets fill this space)

Links of the day for 4/8

Woman Photographs Swan, finds hand stuck in ice. - How she didn't see it, I don't know...
Cookiegate - Why you gotta mess with a good thing?
Well, here's your problem, ma'am... - And they wonder why I don't like to go camping all that much...
Dog wash - Dog does not look too happy...
Na Falta Do Professor - Hehe... kinda cool
Worth 1000 visual Puns
Friday Time waster - Mini Track Mania... got frustrated with this one...

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Links of the day for 4/7

I've got too much work right now with 3 web sites that need to be updated for work... but here's some stuff I saw when i took a mental break

Get Perpendicular - kind of a schoolhouse Rock on the new Hard Drive Technology.
Go white boy go - I love how he looks around to make sure no one sees.
Sigh... - Even if I had a house... my wife wouldn't let me do this...
Babysitter Outsource - Just another sign that Outsourcing is of the devil
Sin City Comparisons - Just to prove that the comic book was good enough to be the film

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

No more lunches with Ric

The bastard orders his food with mushrooms... which means that if my food is grilled with his... I'm going to suffer... the bastard....

Good Fortunes

I offer up these 10 "fortunes" and ask which ones of these are actually "fortunes" and which ones are just mearly good sayings.

1) Avoid agreeing with people merely to keep peace.
2) Your nurturing instincts will expand to include many people.
3) You have found good company - enjoy.
4) Do no let your instincts run right over your reason.
5) Your dearest wish will come true.
6) You have a natural grace and consideration for others.
7) Friends are more valuable than money.
8) Time heals all wounds. Keep your chin up.
9) Apreciate the caring people who surround you.
10) Accept something you cannot change, and you wil feel better.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Geeks in the City

So I saw Sin City over the weekend. Good flick minus the two castrations… very well done. Never read the comic books so I can’t compare to them… but it was pretty good. I liked the use of color… or the lack there of…

After the movie however I saw the most disturbing thing… I know you’re not supposed to turn on your kind… but I think I might, heaven forbid, not be one of these kinds of geeks anymore.

Sin City gets over about 10:50 or so… it’s late. The wife decided to stay home and not go to the movie. So I stopped at Wal-Mart to pick something up. She didn’t give me any hints as to what she wanted… just “something”. So I wandered into various sections. I started in the electronics/movies area. Picked up Jack Johnson’s newest… I then decided to walk into the toys area to see if anything jumped out at me. I walk over start to wander and head for the games section… hmmm nothing new… now I get to the other end of the toys and see that there is a Darth Vader head… it’s one of those voice changers… I think nothing of it and continue to walk towards it. When I get to end of the toy section to my right is a group of “people”. It’s kinda late so I assume that they are just stock boys all gathered waiting to put shit away. However there is something not right.
I then realize that they are standing in sort of a line. It then comes to my attention that there are pallets of toys all wrapped up and they are Star Wars Toys. There is a wall unit with some of the new toys already taken out of the mass packaging and it awaiting consumers to pluck them off the shelves. Hmmm… I didn’t even know new ones were out… eh… no big deal. But wait… is that a dude standing in front of them, arms crossed over his chest, like a body guard or something? It is! Nah… it can’t be…
It’s about 11:00 and I had been up since 6:00AM so I was not all there… the picture was not forming in my head just yet… so I walked back towards the other toys to find something that my wife might actually like… something perhaps better than the CD I picked up… granted I knew that was a slim to none chance… just as I walked down the row behind the body guarded row I hear a Wal-mart worker asked the group, “So, when does the movie come out?!” and there is a cacophony of sound coming from the group which culminated with “MAY 19TH!” and a smaller voice saying “48 days away!”
OMG!! These are geeks waiting for the new Star Wars toys which I guess go on sale April 2. This means they have to wait till midnight to get them. I called my wife on my cell phone and when she answered I said “hold me please, I’m scared”

Read this article

Read this article and then tell me, are they accusing GW of being a murderer in the first paragraph, or is it just poorly worded?