Thursday, March 31, 2005

In the sick and wrong category

Teri's Blog

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Saw a stupid movie last night

My wife brought home a move called "What the bleep do we know" ... it was a movie that pretty much said that you control yourself and the world around you by your thoughts... then there was a random dance number complete with IV bags.... odd...
I didn't like any of it really... sounds like a bunch of people who are searching for God but don't want to find the traditional God... or doesn't want a God who is more powerful than they are... either it was God was an observer... and didn't do anything or that everyone is a God in waiting and we just need to change our thought patterns to become that god....

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Ah the joys of surfing the web

Like the last post said... meetings... that's mostly what I do right now... and I'm not even one of the mucky mucks...

So I was surfing and I came across this ad on a page:

Do you suffer from these symptoms...
Abdominal pain or discomfort
Tried Fiber?
Tried laxatives?
Click here to find out more >>

Then I see this dilbert cartoon on my next click

Links of the day:
Strange Dolls - Love stich bitch
Apron of flesh - For those dress up dinners
Police: Obscenity forcibly tatooed on teen's forehead - You can make those at home?
Ah shit - McFly!
Who could resist? - Rub the budda
Fore? Four!
Brady Bunch in the land of the clones
So you'd like to kill a dude?