Thursday, April 14, 2005

Links of the day 4/14

Ebay: My Mom's Diamond Wedding Ring - Nice
Death Stick goes for WAAAy more than it should
Wis. Governor Rejects Cat-Hunting Idea - Have you ever tried to herd cats?

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Wrong Flight?

You know... if you verify with you wife 3 times before you click submit... shouldn't that be enough?
Not once, not twice... but three times I verified with my wife on the flights for her sister to come down and visit. Only after the point of no return did she find that the flights were not right. Apparently it's still my fault that the times are wrong... next time... she'll have to book them herself.

Links of the day 4/13

Unintentionally sexual comic book covers: part 1 - Yeah... dance monkey boy
iLog: The real ipod killer - It's big it's heavy it's wood.
How to turn on a flashlight--the hard way
Star Wars: Revenge of the SIth - 133t trailer - Woot
Fox Trot - Hehe, do your yet?
Labyrinth - Stupid mouse
For those of use who don't like cats

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

This is for you Jasmine...

It was just another day in school for Jack. Except that today was a day after a major fight with Jill. You see Jack and Jill have been going out for awhile but there has been more and more fighting between them. Ever since that pail of water incident, things haven't been the same.

Today however Jack is sitting by himself in the school courtyard outside the cafeteria. People in high school don't actually go into the cafeteria unless they are of a particular lower class of people and you most definitely don't go in there if you are Senior like Jack. So Jack sat and watched the people in the court yard as they talked about all kinds of mundane things. Just as he was about to get up and go play some basketball, he saw Jasmine. Now Jasmine was always his first love, but he was afraid to talk to her. Jill had really been his second crush and only was able to work up the nerve to talk to Jill because they had chemistry class together. However, because of the issues with Jill lately and the whole pail of water thing, he decides that he's finally got enough nerve to speak to Jasmine.

He first stands up and then sits down. He tries his best to talk himself into going over to where she is. After a few more minutes it's clear that he's still unsure of himself. However the voice of Jill from last night on the telephone telling him how much he annoyed her that night gives him the boost that he needs. So he gets up from the stone wall that he is sitting on and starts to walk over to the table where she sits. Along the way he trips on what appears to be nothing and stumbles most of the last couple of feet to the table. However Jack tries to recover his composure and tries to lean on the table and miss judges the edge and nearly does a face plant onto the table bench. Jasmine looks at Jack and all of this and kind of giggles, she's not so sure what to do with all of this but finds Jack rather cute.

"Um... I um... HI! my name is um... uh... JACK! yeah, that's it Jack", he curses in his head and his face turns a very bright shade of red. "Um, <>, I know who you are. <>" Jasmine says. Her friends all burst into a fit of laughter at the sight of the poor boy. At this Jack stands up and turns to leave, clearly he's pulled the biggest blunder of his life and rather than try and recover from the situation, he was just going to go sulk in the quietest place he can find. However Jasmine grabs his arm and stands up with him. She doesn't want her friends to make her look like a bad person. "Here, come with me Jack" She interjects and pulls him away from the group. Jack is now entirely embarrassed and just wants to disappear. However the sound of Jasmine's voice and the touch of her hand on his arm makes him forget everything. As they leave, the group of Jasmine’s friends continues to laugh and point at the two of them. Rachel calls out and says "Don't be too rough on the poor boy, you don't want him to break another crown!". Clearly word of the pail incident had gotten around.

She leads him past the gym and makes a left past the tennis courts and heads on out towards the football field. Its lunch time so not many people are around. Most of them congregate around the basketball courts on the other side of the school grounds, or, in the case of the smokers and pot heads, they tend to gather around the flag pole area. As she's leading him on, Jack is still trying to regain his composure and still trying to form words. "Um... uh... I uh.. I'm sorry for... uh..." says Jack with his throat gurgling as he attempts not to get upset. "Don't worry about it, it's okay it happens to everyone", Jasmine counters and smiles at him hoping it will get him to calm down. Jack takes the fact that they are moving away from any crowd as a good sign and starts to relax a little more. "Where is she taking me", he thinks to himself. Jasmine continues to lead jack down the grassy hill till they get behind the bleachers and proceeds to walk under them until she has to duck. Then she squats down and motions for Jack to do the same. Jack doesn't think he just does it.

Soon as Jack squats down, Jasmine lunges forward and begins to kiss Jack on the lips. Jack suddenly startled doesn't know what to do. He just sort of sits there for a moment and then decides to kiss back. Feelings of passion overwhelm him and he doesn't know what to do with himself. Jasmine senses his hesitation and presses a little further and then breaks off for a moment and says, "I've always wanted to do that to you". Jack falls back on his butt and blinks his eyes a few times and shakes his head. Nothing like this has ever happened and he's not sure what to think of it. "What's the matter you didn't like it?", Jasmine asks. "No, No, I mean, Yes, Yes I did like it. I loved it. I mean... I've just never... well you know... WOW", Jack stammers. Jasmine gets a strange smile on her face and then lunges forward again and knocks Jack completely on his back. This time Jack seemed a little more ready and this time he kisses back as best as he knows how. At first he's unsure if he's even doing it right. Soon Jasmine begins to bit his lip and Jack gets startled but goes along with it. Jasmine takes that as a sign and backs off of the biting but continues with the kissing. A little tongue action starts and Jack's head explodes with excitement.

Just as quickly as the make out session started, it stops. The group of friends that Jasmine was with apparently followed them down to the bleachers when they realized that Jasmine wasn't coming back any time soon. The laughter of the group stops Jacks in his tracks and he quickly gets up and runs as fast as he can away from the group. Jasmine is left there with her lipstick messed up and her friends shocked and amazed at her. Rachel finally asks, "So... was it at least good?". Jasmine begins to get up and smiles and says "Yes, yes it was... and you guys ruined it for me. He's a really sweet guy...". "Oh come on... tell us why you are really doing this", interrupts Geoffrey. "No, I'm serious he really is a sweet guy, you just have to give him a chance.", counters Jasmine. At that she brushes her self off and runs after Jacks.

She didn't find Jack... but somewhere in a quiet place on the school ground, Jack was hiding and wasn't sure if he should cry for joy or for pain... he just experienced something that he had never felt before and now was unsure of what to do next. One thing is for sure… at least this time he didn't break a crown.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Cookiegate - a PSA for you adults with Children

I know most of my readers (all 3 of you) are not parents, but I'm going to say it for those potential readers that find me on google when they look up strange things...
I posted a link for cookie gate where Cookie monster will no longer be singing "C is cookie, that's good enough for me" instead we find that cookies are a sometimes food. Then I saw this great comic on pvponline and loved it. I mean, when are parents going to take the responsibility of their kids instead of having pupets or cartoons tell them what's right and wrong?
There is a point however that parents can take things too far. For example, my parents wouldn't let me watch He-Man... now it's not a bad show mind you... they felt it contained evil themes and thought that I would turn to the power of greyskull to help me defeat my enemies... so I didn't get to watch and Skeletor went on to piss me off for the rest of my life...
Anyway... where were we? Oh yeah, parents watch your kids, be involved in what they do and don't just let the boob tube tell them what's right and wrong. Let them hear it from you. Better yet, let them SEE it from you. "Time out" is not the answer... neither is beating your child (although a good spanking for most of you brats would do a WORLD of good)... find the happy medium... People love well behaved children. If you have kids and you notice that you are not being invited to things anymore, or that the invitations that are sent to you specifically state that "there will be no children, especially yours". You might want to consider actual discipline. Taking the kid outside and "walking him around" is not discipline. Bribery is not always the answer. Asking if they want a gold star when the get home is not the answer. Talking to them like they are your equal is not the answer either... remeber you are the parent...

I'm just waiting for Grover to not be able to do "near............. far" because children keep running away.

"C" is for cookie and its good enough for me... so I'm going to go find one.