Saturday, July 09, 2005

Formula De Tracks

If anyone has any tracks above 14, please bring it to Nimbus on Saturday as I have 1-14.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Other Ideas for Presents...

Went and played some games at Hat's Games last night. Got some more ideas for gifts...

17) Car Wars Card Game
18) Battle Cattle Card Game
I would prefer Battle Cattle First as the fatman has Car Wars... so that way we can combine them, just like the wonder twins!
19) Ninja Burger Card Game and Poster to go with it :)
20) Ticket To Ride or Ticket to Ride Europe
21) Power Grid which I have not played yet, but looked interesting...
22) Robo Rally - Yeah it's been reprinted

Again these are ideas... which is much more than I have ever given in any year other than maybe my 5th Birthday...

Drinking and Driving

So for my birthday this year I'm going to do some drinking and driving. The place in Nimbus (duh, as if you couldn't tell from the graphic) and it's the Saturday after my Birthday. 11:00Am when they open up... plan to play Formula De with a couple of tracks and setup some teams (depending on who shows up...) We might even play the modified rules depending on how everyone feels. If anyone has an extra copy or even Formula De Mini, bring it in case we have a large group.
If you need directions: Here you go

Office humor?

Today's Dilbert

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Been there... living that...

Dilbert Cartoon

New thing to add my birthday list

Just released today :)
16) This t-shirt

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Tater CD review

Seven and Seven Is

Fun with Sound

Okay so I'm a big 77's Fan. I have been ever since I first heard them in 1988 or so when "Sticks and Stones" came out... This was right around the same time that Joshua Tree from U2 came out and they had a similar sound at that time... however they have morphed and changed and band members have changed and so on... (you can read the history here)but one this remains constant and that is the leader of the rag tag band Michael Roe. He's sort of a Santana type person in that he travels between groups lending his musical talents to all kinds of groups and every now and again manages to pump out an album or two under the 77's names.
It all depends on who's on the album as to what name is used. So you can tell what kind of music you're bound to find based on the group name... for example if it's Michael Roe, then it's going to be a mello pretty much solo gig. If it's "The Seventy Sevens" or "77's", then it's primarily rock with gutair Harmony and drums. If it's "7 & 7 is" then it's a more mello version of the 77's but still has the drums invloved. If it's "Lost Dogs" then it's going to be a little bit country and little bit rock and roll and a little bit non sensical... Then their is "Daydream" which is just music and it's a good background to a quiet day in which you wish you were by the beach.
In this case we have "7 & 7 is" so this album is a bit mello with some play around with a drum machine and playing around with gutair sounds. It's a good album when you just want to chill out a bit. Songs such as "Say So Long To Your Sad Old Love Song" are like a gentle wave coming in and out and Mike plays with his voice just as much as they play with guitar and drum sounds... it's actually kind of cool.
10 songs on this album... 10 songs are good and 0 are bad so it's pretty solid gold to me.

If you ever want to hear some of their stuff, let me know... I pretty much have eveything that Mike Roe and company have put out for the last 15 years. "Sticks and Stones" is still my favorite though...

Another sign for theater owners

This Yahoo article shows that movie goers just don't want to pay that much for movies and want to watch it on their own time... thank you tivo.

So rather than lower ticket prices of course they are just going to sue us for trying to make movies for convenient for us to watch. Just like the music industry just wants me to listen to my music on their cds. Here's an interesting article about Hillary Rosen... she was the one that started all this bullshit.

In the article she says that all the lawsuits that have been brought against companies and now individuals has not brought any more control over an industry that has been forever changed by digital technology... of course she says this NOW... AFTER she's stepped down... too bad she couldn't see the light while she was holding the sword and telling people that god told her to do it.

A couple of weeks ago I went to a movie... it was in the cheap theater... I told my wife that we better leave before the credits end or we'll be sued for staying too long in the theater... which is the direction they are going.... soon it will be... we are going to show this movie once and only once and you will watch it at the designated time and you will watch all of our shitty commercials in front of it because we need to lower our costs but not yours.... you will watch and only watch till we till you to stop. If you get up to go to the bathroom you will not be allowed in. Movie going is a right not a privilege, and you're lucky you can even be allowed to come into the theater, let alone watch our god given movie. Oh and each one of you will have to go through a full body cavity search before and after the movie. If you repeat a phrase from the movie we will have to demand that you pay us for that too.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

What I want for my birthday...

Since many people ask me what I want for my birthday... Here's a list of some things...
In sudo random order... although I would really like number 1...

1) A PSP (Play Station Portable) - Please no dead pixels
2) Money
3) A mini mac
4) iPod - the bigger the better
5) A new bed
6) A new couch
7) Gift certificate to IKEA
9) The new Harry Potter Book
10) A new Tivo
11) Voltron Comic book collection
Ungodly range
12) New TV
13) New Car
14) New House
15) Camcorder

I punched a baby once...

This is appropriate for my wife today...

It seems that when you leave a bastard kid with his parents who don't properly punish their kids... they are even bigger bastards when you get them back after a long weekend. Case in point is the little bastard that my wife is watching... he cries, he whines... and he pees... everywhere... the little bladder is lucky he's not spending the day in the sun... let me just say the little amount of money that is currently being paid to us for my wife to watch the little bastard is not enough... $1000 a week wouldn't be enough to put with all that piss... maybe $100,000... cuz then we could afford a new place and a rubber room for the kid... or maybe stainless steel.

Quote of the day from the litte bastard and my wife's response:
"My pee pee is so big!"
"I know honey, don't play with it and it won't be so big"

4th of July Weekend

All was quiet... except for the booming at night a friend's house... some dorkus decided it launch his own firework which went about 50 feet into the air and blew up with such force that car alarms all around the neighborhood went off... hope the bastard went deaf.

Went to a cookout on Saturday... that was fun... although I think people don't like trival pursuit....

Sunday... Didn't do anything but baby sit on Sunday night... at some point I'll get to meet the kids we are baby sitting as the parents put them to bed just before we get there... so they pay us to sit and play cards or watch tv.

There was some uneeded drama thanks to a friend of my wife's who is confused about what she wants out of life. Which of course then caused drama in my own marriage which is just bullshit. It's easy for me to sit back and watch someone flush their life and the lives of their family down the drain... because I can't do anything to stop it... Some people just need to realize they are already grown up and need to act like it.... others need to actually do something about their problems instead of sitting and watching how it's going to turn out... others still need to actually do something about their children, because if you haven't noticed... you're supposed to be raising them....