Monday, April 04, 2005

Geeks in the City

So I saw Sin City over the weekend. Good flick minus the two castrations… very well done. Never read the comic books so I can’t compare to them… but it was pretty good. I liked the use of color… or the lack there of…

After the movie however I saw the most disturbing thing… I know you’re not supposed to turn on your kind… but I think I might, heaven forbid, not be one of these kinds of geeks anymore.

Sin City gets over about 10:50 or so… it’s late. The wife decided to stay home and not go to the movie. So I stopped at Wal-Mart to pick something up. She didn’t give me any hints as to what she wanted… just “something”. So I wandered into various sections. I started in the electronics/movies area. Picked up Jack Johnson’s newest… I then decided to walk into the toys area to see if anything jumped out at me. I walk over start to wander and head for the games section… hmmm nothing new… now I get to the other end of the toys and see that there is a Darth Vader head… it’s one of those voice changers… I think nothing of it and continue to walk towards it. When I get to end of the toy section to my right is a group of “people”. It’s kinda late so I assume that they are just stock boys all gathered waiting to put shit away. However there is something not right.
I then realize that they are standing in sort of a line. It then comes to my attention that there are pallets of toys all wrapped up and they are Star Wars Toys. There is a wall unit with some of the new toys already taken out of the mass packaging and it awaiting consumers to pluck them off the shelves. Hmmm… I didn’t even know new ones were out… eh… no big deal. But wait… is that a dude standing in front of them, arms crossed over his chest, like a body guard or something? It is! Nah… it can’t be…
It’s about 11:00 and I had been up since 6:00AM so I was not all there… the picture was not forming in my head just yet… so I walked back towards the other toys to find something that my wife might actually like… something perhaps better than the CD I picked up… granted I knew that was a slim to none chance… just as I walked down the row behind the body guarded row I hear a Wal-mart worker asked the group, “So, when does the movie come out?!” and there is a cacophony of sound coming from the group which culminated with “MAY 19TH!” and a smaller voice saying “48 days away!”
OMG!! These are geeks waiting for the new Star Wars toys which I guess go on sale April 2. This means they have to wait till midnight to get them. I called my wife on my cell phone and when she answered I said “hold me please, I’m scared”


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