Links of the day 3/4/05
Finding the A-team - Pretty funny craig's list posting
Museum of bad album covers - Damn some are really bad...
Measure fails when no one votes on tax - If a vote happens in the woods...?
Theif gets beat up by an 11 year old - This is why you don't mess with a karate man
Teens leaping for thrills in 'Garage Jumping' trend - And suing when they miss... here's a thought... don't let your kid do it.
Ivisiblity shield planned by engineers - Didn't I see that on Harry Potter?
You tax dollars at work - Dirty Hoe
Enjoying a cold brew
Right to name new monkey sells for $650G - Hehe... TITI monkeys...
Body parts for rent - Stupid trend of people renting body space for ads
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