Monday, April 11, 2005

Cookiegate - a PSA for you adults with Children

I know most of my readers (all 3 of you) are not parents, but I'm going to say it for those potential readers that find me on google when they look up strange things...
I posted a link for cookie gate where Cookie monster will no longer be singing "C is cookie, that's good enough for me" instead we find that cookies are a sometimes food. Then I saw this great comic on pvponline and loved it. I mean, when are parents going to take the responsibility of their kids instead of having pupets or cartoons tell them what's right and wrong?
There is a point however that parents can take things too far. For example, my parents wouldn't let me watch He-Man... now it's not a bad show mind you... they felt it contained evil themes and thought that I would turn to the power of greyskull to help me defeat my enemies... so I didn't get to watch and Skeletor went on to piss me off for the rest of my life...
Anyway... where were we? Oh yeah, parents watch your kids, be involved in what they do and don't just let the boob tube tell them what's right and wrong. Let them hear it from you. Better yet, let them SEE it from you. "Time out" is not the answer... neither is beating your child (although a good spanking for most of you brats would do a WORLD of good)... find the happy medium... People love well behaved children. If you have kids and you notice that you are not being invited to things anymore, or that the invitations that are sent to you specifically state that "there will be no children, especially yours". You might want to consider actual discipline. Taking the kid outside and "walking him around" is not discipline. Bribery is not always the answer. Asking if they want a gold star when the get home is not the answer. Talking to them like they are your equal is not the answer either... remeber you are the parent...

I'm just waiting for Grover to not be able to do "near............. far" because children keep running away.

"C" is for cookie and its good enough for me... so I'm going to go find one.


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