Friday, January 26, 2007

626 have taken the test so far...
I just got a 22 biaches!

I think I might actually get this past my wife...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

You see the strangest things at the International market

So work has been a bitch lately... some jackass in France messing with our network... Anway... went to the 17th Street International Market tonight... saw the darndest thing... good thing I had my new pocket camera on me :)

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year Bitches

Happy New Year...

Year recap.
Left Drama Troupe that I was a part of since the beginning of it…
Watched a couple separate, get back together and separate again…
Much boat rocking at work… Chicken Little being a dick all year… not quite as much after new Boss came in…
Moved apts again… this one is probably going to stick till we move out of town
In-n-Out started building… stopped… started again… still not done!
NAC selected at work… had to fight to get what we wanted and now defending why we picked it… over and over again…
Two of my Friends had children… my Brother had another and is expecting yet another…
Wife won two sets of tickets to concerts… we went to one Studio C and never the concert
Stopped blogging… started again…
Got money from my old company for them being stupid… I only got $50 out of it… some got several thousand…
Snakes on a Plane came out!
I invented “My Thought Process” which pretty much explains how every e-mail out to a co-worker goes as revisions are made.
Wife’s Grandmother died in October… still cleaning the trailer out
Finally talked to Pappa D
Went to two SANS conferences and got one more certification under my belt… working on the third now
Took elmo to Vegas
Carved and In-n-out pumpkin
Sister-in-law’s husband screwed another woman in the car that we gave to my Sister-in-law. Met new boyfriend… he’s soooo Canadian
“Look at me, I’m sexy!” Apparently needs to happen more often.

Finish the trailer
Clear debt other than major things like Car
Get back to goal weight of 180
Finish SANS certifications I’ve started

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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The art of suduction...

Yeah... I've got no game...

But it was fun...
Back to work..

Monday, November 27, 2006

Welcome to you who searched for...

Calence Sucks - First hit no less
gateway m675 + heating issues - old issue... ditched that bitch
eating disorters - Don't recall why this showed up...
rap music apartment neigbors - notice the mispelling... there's a joke there... nah it passed.
Tater - Odd that it looks like it's in danish...
"he shit his" pants OR underwear OR shorts OR underpants OR turd - Wait... what?
jambalia - Good shit in Vegas
"what does" "your nurturing instincts will expand to include many people" - Huh?
"clean your armpits" - Does google actually work?!?
romulan ale shirt - nasty shit... cardboard and corn...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Turkey Day

Thanksgiving for me was always my favorite holliday. Used to be that I would see my family more often... this of course was when I lived at home... and before I got married....
You see, every year since I can remember, we spent Thanksgiving together. In the AM we would all gather at Sabino Canyon. I have been told that you used to be able to drive to our picnic site, but I can't remember it. Family would show up and we would make a nice fire and cook up some eggs and sausage and bacon over the fire and a nice pot of cowboy coffee. Mom always made goodies like cinnamon rolls and such. After eating, the kids would go off exploring and most often times end up wet.
Then we would all hike back out and head to my parent's house to hang out. Often times we would play madden or actually go out and play street football. It was always a good day of relaxing.
As time moved on, more and more of the family couldn't walk the distance into the canyon and the tram ride was getting to be too much, so we tried other places for a few years. First there was Fort Lowell Park... that sucked as there was just too many people there and the tables sucked. Next was Agua Callente park. This was good for the first year, but the next year it was closed and we had to duck under fencing to get in, and the older folks didn't like that. About 2 years ago we tried Udall Park and that seems to work out just right. You can reserve the Ramada ahead of time and parking and all that is right there. Horseshoe pit and volleyball court is right there and the playground isn't too far away either. So it works out just right.
Dinner has changed over the years as well. The best however are always at my Mom's house... which is where it always shall be from now on. We tried my grandparent's house... which was nice... but just wasn't the same... plus my grandma never coooks so the appliances didn't work as planned ever. One year we tried my uncle's house... that SUCKED! So now it's always at my parent's house...
Ever since my brother got married however and my cousins a little older... and now me getting married... the group dynamic has changed. Most of us guys choose to go to our signifigant other's places for dinner so dinner with Mom's cooking is out. This saddens me a bit as I know exactly what will be at dinner every year and what I can and cannot eat. I have an allergy to mushrooms and you would be surprised what some people put in their stuffing, green beans, and gravy... Plus, it's just not mom's cooking.
So this used to be my favorite holliday... it was better than Christmas for me... but lately... not so much... although Christmas just isn't the same either... mostly because my "Bah Hum Bug" Pappa-D isn't here anymore... but that's another story...

Friday, November 17, 2006

We're fine, we're all fine here, how about you?

So I haven't posted in a while... mostly because I'm busy...

Not for any real reason mind you... just that I'm busy...

Reading a post from a friend and I notice that she's going through her quarter life crisis... I did that... I remember it... bought a Jeep dumped my girlfriend... now I sold the Jeep and got a Saturn... married my ex-girlfriend... still paying off debts from that quarter life crisis...

Interesting thing happened the other day... Was out with my wife and "Jill"*. She has moved out of her parents house after leaving "Jack" and is, for what I think is the first time out on her own. Her new boyfriend "Keith" went with us to dinner, and while we were waiting for the server to get our order, she looks down and notices that "Keith" Looks uncomfortable and on the edge of the bench. She scoots over closer to the wall and says "Here, 'Jack' scoot over" and motions for "Keith" to scoot over. Now I noticed it right away... my wife noticed it... and I'm pretty sure "Keith" noticed it... but I know "Jill" didn't...

Later that night she asks if we like "Keith" when he was not in the area. My wife pointed out that his body structure was much like "Jack's" body structure... although the two of them seem to be pretty different... "Jill" chalked that up to being attracted to the same body type... but she met this guy "online" in a game... so I'm not so sure...

Other drama has occured... mostly women talking about their men and one saying something about the other's husbands in a joking manner... the one taking it home to her husband and now both are pissed at the first woman...

Showed the pictures from Vegas to my niece... she was shocked to see that Elmo was there and liked the pumpkin shot...

Grandparents from Nebraska are here... they can't do much in the way of things... so it's kinda hard to get excited that they are here. I love them to death and I want to see them... but you can only play so many games of Uno....

Last couple of days at work, things have happened or have been said at the start of the day and it put me in a real fucking mood for the rest of the day.... I think I'm coming to realization that I don't like my job at all... I mean, I like parts... but for the most part... this blows...
I think it's because I seem to have no future here... people see me as the quiet one that doesn't do anything... that I will always be the sidekick... and that I have to toot my own horn. I hate tooting my own horn... seriously... why should I have to point out to people that I'm a fucking stud? Can't it just been seen? I feel like I should be donkey in Shrek "Look at me, I'm SEXY! Watch me, I'm trotting in place, trotting in place."

*Names changed to protect the "innocent"