Random thoughts and moments
Girl was locked in a room for 15 months
I hear a story like this and it makes me wonder why it seems to only happen to one child in the situation. I've seen other stories where 2 kids out of 5 were the ones they locked in a room and didn't feed them. Why not all of them, why only some? I'm sure it's a mental condition that causes this to happen and because it's in the brain, we can't figure out why it happened. This particular article says that they don't identify the man and woman, yet they put up their pictures... which is pretty close to identifying them.
The inevitable question comes up... What do you do with these people? I mean is death a good solution? Is putting them away for life good? Some feel that they need to be tortured, or killed in a painful method such as crucifixion or pulling their intestines out slowly and have them watch the whole thing as they die. Now I'm sure what's the right answer. However I do know that they shouldn't be allowed in public ever again. Hell, they shouldn't be allowed near children ever again. So I guess the next question is... is life in prison worth the cost? Or is Death the only way out? It's too bad we don't have a planet that we can drop these people off to. Let them have sex with each other for all I care...
On a completely different note. I love the Internet and they way that people like to hide themselves from being known. To a certain degree it's necessary because of all the sick bastards (kinda like the one in the news story) who prey on that kind of information. However when that anonymity is used to call other's out on their Bullshit but doesn't allow that person to know who their accuser is... it's kinda like the Wizard of OZ... the whole man behind the curtain thing... it's just not cool. If you want to call someone out... call them out... let the firing begin at noon on the street... at least then everyone knows who they are dealing with. Did you ever see that stupid show with the masked magician where he called all the other magicians out by showing their tricks to the world... did you see any of the other news stories that showed the other magicians reactions to the masked dude? anyway...
Anyone see the premier of American Dad it was pretty stupid... hopefully they will have better writting on the next couple of shows... because right now it sucks... Although I do like the Goldfish...
Okay, who didn't see the fact that Charlie was going to shoot that guy?
I love this series of Foxtrot
Budding Jordan cyber love ends in divorce - HAHAHAH! "'You are divorced, divorced, divorced' -- the traditional manner of officially ending a marriage in Islam. "
Oldest tree in Versailles pulled down after 324 years - That sucks...
Alex S. Maclean - Some pretty cool photographs
Buff Break Dancer - Damn he's strong... now was that Break Dancing or a body building routine?
NASCAR Dale Earnhardt LiveTiger Oscar Fish - You want how much?!?
SCI FI Renews Galactica - WOOT!
Man Finds Myster Nail in his neck - No idea how it got there?!?
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