Monday, February 07, 2005

How I spent my weekend

Let's see.
Friday Night:
Jessica1 and Dave1 decided not to go out with Sean & Patti, so we had the night to ourselves... how did we spend it... sitting and doing not much.
Spent the day playing on my computer and wiring up the entertainment center properly along with running a cable along the walls and ceiling to my computer desk so that I can have the cable modem and router at my desk and I can hook up my ATI All In Wonder card so I can watch some tv on my pc if I choose. Unpacked some boxes. My wife came home and was sort of impressed, but I discovered that she was annoyed that I didn't touch the kitchen. You see I chose to put away things that I knew pretty much where they went. Now in my defense I didn't touch the kitchen for several reasons:
1) Not all the hardware for the shelving is there.
2) I know that I would have put something somewhere that she wouldn't like
3) I would have put something in the right place, but the wrong way.
4) I would have put something in the right place, the right way, but not cleaned properly.
5) I would have done something wrong somehow that I can't even come up with....

So you see, in order to avoid all 5 of those reasons I choose to stay out of the kitchen. Later on that night, I could tell that she was annoyed that I put away movies and CDs because she asked for something that was packed away and I told her I don't have a clue as to where that would be and she said "that's because it's not in an Entertainment center box". Turns out I also put away VHS tapes and CDs in the wrong place. Guess I can't win for trying. But at least 5 more boxes were unpacked. Where the shit goes is a problem for another day. I just want these stupid boxes out of the house so that we can properly put things away. Oh and if the above seems like I'm complaining... I'm not. I love my wife with all my heart.

Spent most of the day at my parents house installing XP on their machine along with Office 2003. Like all good parents they went out and got the memory I told them to get. Which is great. Like all good upgrades, another part had to be bought and that was a DVD drive since the CD drive that they had wouldn't read cdrs for some odd reason. You'd think that a 52x drive would be able to read any disc out there... guess I was wrong. At least they wont' need a DVD drive later in life. Then I went home and watched commercial... oh and a game in between... but mostly I just watch the commercials...
Wife and I went to Red Lobster for dinner and to sort of celebrate our anniversaries of when we met and when I proposed to her. Which isn't till this weekend... but the opportunity presented itself in the fact that she actually picked a place to eat.


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