Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy VD

Got an e-mail today with the subject line of "Happy VD". Now that doesn't sound like a good e-mail to me. I mean I don't even know this person and I know I wasn't THAT drunk on Friday.

Links of the day
Your crazy horoscopes - Mostly Geared towards women... but funny none the less. Take mine for today as an example:
Jam a peanut up your nostril and sneeze at your desired love. They will give you a banana and say, "Use that to clean your armpits"

For those that don't know what to do today

The Cuddly Menace - The Truth about Zogg
I'm just crazy about saffron
A video game PSA - He should have just hit him in the head with a baseball bat and ran over the hooker.
Kidnaping - This PSA is F.A.T. Approved
Tivo Deathwatch - I don't know... Tivo users are like mac users in a way... they are pretty loyal.


At 9:59 AM, February 14, 2005, Blogger Joe said...

You were pretty drunk dude...that pizza delivery guy will never ask for a tip again I think...


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