Thursday, February 24, 2005

I'm a Christian, deal with it.

Okay, so I’m a Christian. I’ll say it again. I’m a Christian. Now you already have a picture in your mind as to who I am and what I believe and what I stand for right? Well, I can tell you that you are probably right on most fronts. However I’m not what you would call the typical Christian. That is close minded and bible thumping hypocrite. Now I am probably a hypocrite sometimes, I’m not going to deny that. I’ve said things and done the opposite before. I think we all do at some point. There are those moments of judgment where you decide to do the wrong thing for what ever reason. However when it comes to gays and such I have a problem with fellow “Christians”

You see there was this episode of Wife Swap. A very shitty show that comes on after Alias. In this show they took a black mother married to a white man and put her in a house with two mothers. Yep they took a bible thumping Republican black woman and placed her in a liberal lesbian home. You would think that hilarity ensued right? Well, you would be wrong. In fact by the end of the show I was ashamed of the “Christian” woman because, while she was standing for her “beliefs”, she was creating a bad name for the rest of us. At one point she flat out attacked the lesbians and told them that they were doing it just to “shack up” with one another and that at any time they could stop pretending to be gay. Now I’m not one to draw a distinction between life style and choice and open and closed minded, so I won’t. I will however say that being “open minded” not mean that I should agree with what everyone is doing. If that were the case then people could do whatever they wanted and call it a life style or better yet just how they feel about things and everyone would have to agree with it because we all need to be open minded.

On an episode of The Real Gilligan’s island (again a really bad show) one of the “Howell’s” decided to take the leap from gay to bestiality. That is, if we let gays get married then next you see people wanting to marry their pets. She said “snake”, I’m sure it was to draw a reference to Adam & Eve, but whatever….

So, where and I going with all of this? I don’t know. I see an article like the one talking about how Christian Fundamentalists are attacking Shrek 2 because of some gay type references it and I just want to find a rock and hide under it. My wife always like to point out how “Christians” are acting and I have to take offense to it every time because I associate myself with being a Christian. I often find myself apologizing for the rest of them or saying how they are not really being “Christian” in the full sense of the word and I also have to point out that everyone is human so mistakes will be made.

I just wonder why it is that when you claim that you are a Christian that several things seems to happen.

1) You are the authority for all other Christians.

2) Anything that you do will be held to a higher standard than say a Buddhist or Muslim.

3) Everything you disagree with suddenly becomes national news.

4) When sharing your personal beliefs it becomes an attack

5) You’re a Holier than thou asshole.

All I can say is that Christians are the worst to other Christians and seem to be really bad when it comes to talking to anyone who is not like minded. Like mice they seem to be the only type of people who will eat their own kind. I claim to be a Christian. I stand by that fact. I am not infallible and I am not above anyone else. In fact I believe that to be a true Christian you need to actually be a servant. I cannot hold anyone up to my ruler and tell them that they don’t measure up. All I can do is disagree with their actions and continue to treat them like the human beings that they truly are.

Shrek 2 has cross dressing in it. Spongebob sang a song that has been associated with gays. The purple telitubby has a triangle in his head so he’s obviously gay. Bert and Ernie shared an apt and bathtub together so they must be gay, I mean who would live with another man for that long and suddenly not want to drop the soap in front of him? Aladdin had that scene in it that told the tiger to take off his clothes. Little mermaid’s video cover had a penis drawn into the castle if you closed one eye and turned it upside down and viewed with only full moon light. Disney doesn’t hire any straight animators only gays. Lesbian bars are a sea of sinners and are all going hell. It’s statements like these that disturb me. If you don’t want you kids to watch it, then find don’t let them watch it. Don’t tell the rest of the world what you don’t let your kids see. We don’t care.

I grew up in an over protective home. My parents wouldn’t let me watch He-man for some reason. I think it’s because it had skeletor or that Orko was a sorcerer or something. Therefore I missed out on a lot of things in life and I grew up thinking in a destructive manor that has caused issues in my life. I was always taught to hate the sin and love the sinner, and then I shown to hate the sin and the sinner. It never made sense to me. So now I don’t judge people based on their sins. I find out about them before I pass judgment on them. Often times I hate someone not because of who they represent (gay, Christian, Muslim) it’s because they are a bitch or an asshole. If you want to think otherwise, fine. If you shelter you kids. They will just rebel all the more when they are finally set free. You can’t control them forever. I say let me be exposed to things that they normally shouldn’t be and then discuss it with them. Let them figure it out on their own and don’t let them just think something is the way it is just because you say so.

Anyway… back you your regularly scheduled life.


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