Holy shit is that hail? In Arizona?
Walking the hallowed halls of work I came across two people talking about the weather this past weekend. The guy was talking to a woman and telling her of the sea of white that he had found in his back yard. Upon further examination he discovered that it was hail. Now here in Tucson hail is not out of the question. Hell we had snow on Easter once. However the lady responded to the man with "hail? In Arizona?" Which got me thinking... how long has this person been here? I mean I've only been at this job for 8 months... so I don' t know when she got here... but she didn't say "Hail? In Tucson?" she added Arizona. Now Arizona has a wide climate. You have the desert, and then the mountain areas. North of Phoenix and Flagstaff gets down right freezing. We have skiing for crying out loud in Purgatory and places in Flagstaff. There's even a place called snow bowl which has snow every year. If you want to get closer to Tucson, there's mount lemon which has snow every year as well. I went sledding there last year.
So for someone to be surprised by hail is a mystery to me. I hope for the teller and tellee that they discover the "other" parts of Arizona someday and find that, yes there can be hail and snow in Arizona.
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