Nothing new... same crap... different day
So yeah... the boys are still giving my wife shit... this time it's literally.
My wife gets a call from the woman who spawned the devil children and she tells this story:
So the boys and I (Mind you T is 7 and X is 3.5 yrs old.) are eating cheese crisp and watching a movie when I notice that the dogs are very close to T's butt. I stand up and look closer to my horror and find that they are eating T's shit. T shit his pants while he was eating and let the dogs lick it up. So I tell him that we need to go clean it up and he throws this temper tantrum and begins to throw himself around the room and up against walls. Flinging poo all over the place. We finally get him cleaned up when I find that X feels that T is getting more attention than he should and he shit himself and let the dogs eat it as well.
Yep folks... she never noticed the smell because it's so bad in her house that she couldn't tell. She then gave shit to my wife by saying "Well I can tell X was potty trained by you, because he doesn't have a problem peeing into the toilet." Which sounds stupid because she's just implicating that she's a horrible parent and can't teach a 7 year old how to shit in a toilet properly.
Next day T came to our house... he shit his pants there too... so my wife made him clean his underwear in the toilet and then clean the whole bathroom because he flung poo while he was doing it. You'd think the next day he would have learned... but no... he had to do it all over again yesterday...
At least the bathroom is clean... I just don't want that kid sitting on anything we own though... maybe wrap his ass in cellophane or something.
I leave you with this

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