Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Elmo wants to hit the hilton

So I'm sitting here last night and Elmo says he wants to go to the Hilton...
So I hide him in my pocket so that I don't have to get two tickets for the monorail and we go to the Hilton.
We decide to hit Quark's Bar and try the Jambalia... good stuff... but first....I thought it a bit much for him... but he took it pretty well... I had to match him of course... and damn was that "mind meld" like a damned train hitting you in the head. I lost $20 at the slots... we did well at first... but Elmo wanted to play the Starwars slots too much and we lost... Damned light side slot... I was doing better when we played the dark side... luke had on these stupid goggles on his head... and why the hell is a starwars slot machine in the same place as the Star Trek Experience? I mean... isn't that like a hole in the space time continum?

After I got a shirt that said "Old School Wireless" and had the Original Star Trek communicator and some Romulan Ale that Elmo insisted I get...

We went back to the hotel room to get pissed, so back to the monorail.

Did you know that the monorail was built without a single cent of tax payer's money? Hmmm... I wonder how they paid for it...

Here are some of the hotels around where we are staying... tomorrow I plan on showing elmo more of the town...

We finally made it back to the room and proceeded to get pissed!
Well, I went to bed, that mind meld hurt... Elmo on the other hand...

He made a night of it...


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