How I spent my companies money
Day 1
Got here registered for the conference and checked out my hotel room.
Forgot to mention the fact that the cab driver gave me a card for escort service... I didn't have to make it to the strip for that...
Took elmo out and showed him the room and the view

This room is about the size of my apt. approx 500sq feet.
Went down stairs and promptly lost $20
At at this shitty pizza place in O'Shea
Checked out the layout of the hotel and went back to the room to play WOW
Day 2
Woke up and went to class... damn it's full.
Breakfast was muffins hmmm poppies and an apple
Lunch was Burger King at O'Shea's and promptly lost $10
Back to class, learned we should probably reward people for filling out NAC form...
Snack was chocolate chip cookies
Sounds like I need to watch my systems a little more... for the most part I know what is "normal"
After class walked over to Bally's and wasn't impressed
Lost $10
Walked over to Aladin to look for food... ooooh a La Salsa... bad... it was a sit down resturant
Walked back over to O'shea's and ate at Subway (Quality Vegas food here so far ;) )
Lost another $10
Checked e-mail... Chicken Little (CL) is asking about making a tool that I already created... WTF? I think he's doing it to impress our new "boss" somehow.
Back to the hotel room to play WOW
Day 3 - so far
Class, learned that I may need to make sure the robots.txt is up to date. Need to scan the website and make sure that things are not being listed publicly.
Breakfast was fruit danish... two apple and a cherry, hey they were small
Lunch, Vendor expo had a buffet lunch... so make your own sandwhich, good stuff.
Checked e-mail... bad thing... CL is a dick he's asking about netflow tools, which we already use...
Back to class... never checking e-mail at lunch again... just pissing me off.
I swear the OSI model has to be taught in all of these classes... it's must be federal law or something...
Dude next to me is just surfing the web on his cell network... damn that's a ton of hours...
DM over at reslife doesn't know his head from a hole in the ground... explained things to him several times, serveral ways... and yet he still doesn't get it.
Break ... this time chocolate cake thingy... I went to my room and took a nap... they are going over scanning tools, which I use almost every day...
Went to quarks bar... got blitzed on one drink... granted it was an $8.00 drink... but still... feeling it right now still... had some good jambalia... wish I could have taken that home... hope I'm not allegric to the shrimp in it... although my stomach hurts...
Got a cool shirt and of course a shot glass... along with some romulan ale... home I can take some of that home... lost $20 at the slots... but it took me over an hour to do so...
On to some WOW before I loose more money
more pictures tomorrow
The Elmo pics make me happy.
Playing WoW while in Vegas? jebus.
Come back soon cause lunch isn't quite perverted enough without you...
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