Thursday, September 29, 2005

My trip thus far

There's nothing like people watching. Chick in front of me, she's browsing horse related websites. The dude next to her...he's browsing remington websites.
Yep like the gun.
This is a security conference so therefore everything is related to security. You can come away from this place feeling like everything you do is not right and nothing is safe. Truth is, nothing is totally safe. If it is, then the gov'ment will be at your door in a heartbeat because they need to be able to break into your ish.
This has been the worst trip I've taken so far. My traveling buddy has been anti-social since day one. He doesn't eat breakfast or lunch. Breakfast I'm cool with, I don't want to see anyone that early anyway. Lunch however is something to break up the day. To do it alone just sucks ass. Dinner has been spotty with him. I think we've gone to dinner three times since I got here Saturday. Granted he's got his issues.
You see on Sunday night someone tried to break into his house while he was on the phone with his girlfriend. Suddenly she says "There is someone at the window" click. He can't get a hold of her... so he calls 911 on his cell phone... he's on hold for 15 minutes. He calls me in my room and tells me to call my home to my wife to call 911 at home. Long story short. She's fine, there are screw driver marks on the window sills and a man has been spotted in the bushes by the house after Sunday night. Now my traveling buddy is freaking out and has decided to go home early on Friday. Which means now I'm going to the Airport by myself. Not cool. I mean come on... what is it going to buy him other than 12 hours at home before I get home... They have friends who will stay with her... it's not worth the extra $70 to change the ticket and get all stressed about getting home.
So now I want to go see a movie Friday night... but which one can I go to that WOn't piss off my wife? All of them she wants to see just as bad as I do...


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