So... I was reading this article
'Batman" Can't Begin to Resuce Film Industry
It occurs to me that I have been to less movies this year and last year as well than I used to. Could be that I'm getting older and I just don't have the time... although I would make time if movie prices were cheaper. Just as this article states... it costs more for my wife and I to go to a movie than it would for us to get the DVD when it comes out. It doesn't help that the movie industry is taking a que from the music industry and sueing the pants off of people who pirate movies. Receintly the fatman pointed people to a blog with a letter to the music industry In this letter this person tells why they stole what they stole. Someone should do the same for the movie industry....
Let's see... there are quite a few remakes out this year along with TV shows turned into movies...
Guess Who - They couldn't even finish the title
The longest Yard
The Honeymooners
War of the Worlds
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Bad News Bears
Dukes of Hazzard
King Kong
That's just to name a few... it's like hollywood has given up on the whole orginal story line and goes for the one that is all to familar. Some would argue the new Batman is just a remake of the orginal story... sort of a re-invention of the same story line we all know and love. Star Wars did the same thing... we all know the story... he's just going to tell it to us now... Why should I reward movie makers when they just poop out crap? I would pay good money to a film I know is an orginal thought. Sure they are all the same 4 or 5 story lines over and over again... but I want to be entertained with a new twist on things. Take Kung Fu Hustle That was pretty much a classic chinese story but it was very entertaining. They took it to another level and people loved it...
I guess what I'm saying... lower movie ticket prices... quit being so greedy for your precious box office sales reciepts and I can guarantee that I'll see more movies... If they lowered ticket prices by at least $3 I would see two movies... right now I'm not seeing any.... so let's see... current ticket price is $9.25 if I go on a Friday night... That means it costs me $18.50 for my wife and I to go... If you dropped the price by $3.00 I would go twice I said... so that's $12.50 x 2 = $25 and I wouldn't mind because I would have seen two movies... otherwise I could just go to the store and buy a movie that was out in theaters less than 6 months ago like White Noise and pay less about the cost of the current price of two tickets and I could have popcorn and be able to pause the movie while I go to the bathroom.... or go back to something I missed... etc.
So right now the movie industry is getting $0 from me because I don't want to pay $18.50 for one movie... but I'm willing to pay $25 for two movies... I'm sure there are more people out there thinking along the same lines... maybe not two movies in one night... but I'm sure they would go more than once a month.... which is about the current rate... so you would be getting more money from me if you only lower the ticket price.... I would even put up with the rehash crap if they would only lower the ticket prices....
New York City is paying $10.75 for movie on Friday night... Seattle $9.50... Austin Tx $8.00 ... Kansas City $8.50 ... Miami $8.50 ...Here in Tucson it's $9.25... WTF??!
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